Whose Health is it Anyway?
Let's have a reasonable debate, those in the congress are saying to us. You know," no shouting, no raising your voices, and no anger, because after all, that is un-American!"
Well, in the first place, it is about time the conservatives of America got a little passionate about something so scary as a government take over of a commodity in our economy; experts say the health care industry is approximately 6 percent of our gross national product. After the government took over the automotive business with bail-outs, gave the country a supposed jolt of stimulus money and did some rather extraordinary things with the housing market, the 'silent majority,' as it used to be called, the conservative voices of America, are finally speaking out, yes passionately, on issues!
Why is this liberal congress not liking it that we are using some of their very own tactics for speaking out against this outrageous scheme? Wasn't it a fact that our president was a community organizer himself? Didn't our secretary of state speak up in 2003 against the past administration and say, "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." Now, when people are speaking against a bill that is being written in the House of Representatives, one that is full of contradictions and painful ideas, we are called un-American? Never do I remember a speaker of the house being so contentious and condescending in tone and demeanor as is this present speaker.
Didn't we, the lowly public, vote for these representatives that they would represent us in government? Recently, a congressman spoke out and said he would vote for the bill, contrary to the wishes of his constituents! He considers his own approval of the one payer system more important than the very people who voted him into office. I side with the many Americans who have followed things in this bill; and I truly resent the way this arrogant congress has chosen to overlook the ordinary citizens of this country. Many left wing radicals are sending death threats and harassments to those plain citizens just for speaking out at town hall meetings. Many congressman are afraid of the people, and not willing to have meetings at all! They are dealing with the public by teleconference type of meetings. How un-American is that? Our forefathers would already be calling us a socialistic government, when the voices of the people are being drowned out.
A recent Rasmussen Reports has taken a look at how conservative or liberal the voters are in different aspects of their every day life. They found that 41% of the voters think of themselves as conservative when it comes to the issues of taxes, government spending and the regulation of private business while 41% consider themselves to be moderates and 12% say they are liberal. (1)
My understanding is that if 41% of Americans consider themselves to be conservatives in the matter of government spending, taxes and regulations of private business, then why are the %12 percent of liberals causing such ripples? Haven't they been pushing their agenda down the American throats while the conservatives have been unaware? Why have conservatives been unaware? Perhaps it is the liberal media; perhaps it is complacency of easy going Americans. I feel that conservatives, at last, are going to have to push back on the radicalism and socialistic agenda before it will be too late.
- Pasted from <http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/458179/poll_how_liberal_or_conservative_are.html>
Pasted from <http://www.popmodal.com/search/detailed/?search_id=Tired>
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