"We Will Never Forget!"
Those were the words often heard in New York City after the horrific 9/11 tragedy. Many were the citizens that could not forget the day, even if they tried to. Many became ill from the airborne pollutants, and they suffered not only physically, and mentally, later on, many succumbed to their illness, leaving their families to pick up the pieces of the shattered lives. Many others were maimed permanently, even though they lived through the horror. It was a life-changing event, to say the least.
Now, our president is telling us that the new health care bill will be life-changing event. I think this choice of words has become a scary phrase! What is going to be changed? Why does it have to be our whole American society that has to be changed, just because a portion of society has gone without health insurance? We laughed at the stimulus bill (cynically speaking) when we realized that if every American would have been handed a $10,000 pay-out, more would have actually been accomplished than the way the federal government wasted the tax payer dollars, i.e. giving money to non-existent districts, paying for bridges to nowhere, and a slew of other ill-gotten schemes and donations.
Now, we are standing by like sheep to the slaughter, seeing a president and congress take our country to the cliff of bankruptcy, override public opinion, forcing a mandate on our peoples in the manner which has never been done in the history of our country! We have never had such magnitude of a takeovers in all the financial areas as has this congress and president done to the citizens of United States of America. Bail-outs, automobile takeovers, bank takeovers, and even student loan takeovers . The student loan program was hidden in the enormous healthcare bill.
The tea party movement has been, by most counts, orderly and outspoken, but they have been ridiculed and dismissed as a bunch of kooks, and crazies by congressional left-wingers. However, dear congress, your day of reckoning is coming! So many American citizens are already saying, regarding all the shenanigans that we have seen this past year, "We will never forget!"
We will not forget that the new health care program will manage to send money to the planned parenthood clinics which will do abortions. We will not forget that taxes are going to be so unbearable with this new system, that employers may just pay the fines they get for not insuring their employers rather than pay the huge premiums. In fact, in such states as New York, the burden will be so heavy on the workers, and actual tax payers, that the population may start a migration not seen before! Many people left New York after 9/11, because of fear of the terrorists. The hardy New Yorkers that stayed, cleaned up the mess of the tragedy, and were considered heroes by most of the country. What is going to be their reward for staying? Higher taxes, placed upon some of the already highest taxes in the world! The only way to rebel, will be to leave the state!
We will not forget that Social Security, as good as it seemed back in the 40's, is going in the red this year! How can congress forget that Medicare is also going in the red, and they want to take out billions of dollars from that program to finance a whole new entitlement program? How can they reasonably expect to throw huge financial burdens over on the states to pay out millions more when they are already strapped for cash? States cannot print money like the federal government can. They are required to balance their books every year; the financial burden being placed on the states will cause more bankruptcy than has every been imagined before! By this whole overhauling of the system, congress does not seem to understand the consequences of these huge deficits and debts ...…instead, they have forced this bill on us by total partisan leadership; that is the way countries run by dictatorships operate.
In this day of advanced technology, constant polling, twittering and ubiquitous blogging, why is congress so insulated from the public opinion? Why do they pretend that the public is on their side of this massive health takeover, when every poll shows it is the most unpopular bill ever proposed? It was no news today that Peloisi, speaker of the house, and Ried, the senate majority leader, have the lowest approval rates of any leaders before them. Pelosi's rating was 13 and Ried's was just 8% That should be enough to let them know that something is dreadfully wrong with their leadership. We do have a way of handling these types of leaders…..we vote them out at the next election! We will not forget!
Reader Comments (1)
Well said, Jenny!