My Crying Out Loud
Well, I don't really cry outloud anymore. At least, not since I caught the empty nest syndrome. There is no one here at home to pay attention, save my husband and since he already knows me like a book, why would he listen any more carefully?
The truth is, most of my crying is a form of whining; I distinctly dislike that characteristic in others, so why on earth would I allow myself such a disgusting habit? Well, I have dreamed up an alibi; we all have ways of disguising such things. We disguise our whining....griping.... complaining.....and worrying by sublimation. We don't always talk about our gripes to others, for that would be confessing that we do whine, complain, gripe, etc. We sublimate our feelings of disapproval through writing; writing down the things that bug us. Yes, I mean write it down, rather than air it on the 10 o'clock news.
Although we are still whining a bit here and there, complaining at times and griping too, one must admit there is a real benefit in writing down your feelings. I used to write out my moods when I was just 15 years old, and because I wrote them down, I can now read the stuff today and get a good laugh at myself. How silly and petty my gripes were then! When one keeps a diary and although it is hidden from everyone ( one would be too embarrassed to let anyone see it), they can generally say that they have changed drastically from that child-like person that they used to be. There is therapy in writing. It is almost like talking to yourself, but I pray I never get to that stage.
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